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3 young kids reading a book together

10 rules for play dates

2 minutes


This is all a bit of fun…there really aren’t any rules to follow. We’re all just winging it.

This is all you need to know before attending a play date:

  1. Give your friend a text beforehand to ask if she needs you to bring anything. If the answer is no, take a packet of biscuits anyway.

  2. Turn up on time. (Or give the host warning if you plan on turning up really early or really late.) Navigating nap times can be serious business.

  3. Lay down a muslin cloth or blanket for your little one. Spills are normal but it’s easier to wash a burp cloth than the carpet.

  4. If the babies are crying, grab a packet of WaterWipes from your nappy bag and watch them be instantly entertained. The crinkly packet is always winner.

  5. Try to read the room. You might stay a while if everyone is happy but when the babies are grizzly, or your friend keeps mentioning the next nap, it might be time to say goodbye.

Here are the rules for hosting a play date:

  1. Leave the mess. Sure, put out the rubbish and make sure your toilet is presentable, but a bit of clutter is very normal.

  2. Always say yes to your friend bringing her older child(ren). We know they’re boisterous and busy but that’s toddlers for you.

  3. Offer your guest a hot cuppa. Or tell her to put the jug on herself. Anything goes.

  4. If there’s a spew or poo explosion – from either baby – let your WaterWipes be a free for all. Nobody has time to fish around in the nappy bag at a time like this.

  5. It’s always nice to have some nibbles on offer. And if you’ve got good Mum friends…they might be bringing some treats, too.